Examplary Pak Cik and A Wave from the Kaabah

>> Thursday, October 29, 2009

In the name of Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

I read this article Kak Aini posted on Facebook:


Hope he and his wife gets the most beneficial and a mabrur Hajj. Its so moving that this man went all out to fulfil Allah's demands. Imagine if all Muslims did that, we wouldn't be in the state we are now. Unwanted and disliked.

Reminder for Muslims, especially me:
What are we saving towards?
The latest phone, that dream vacation?

Surprising to see they're all material items that really don't do any good for us in the Hereafter. This pak cik took ten years saving up for his Hajj. Imagine ten years of drive. Drive for Allah. Worth every second, I'm sure! I'd sure want to be in his shoes right now:D

The article also entails a mak cik leaving her sick husband to fulfil her duties as well.
I guess sometimes, you just have to leave dunia things to get closer to Him. It's all a test. Are we up for it?


einhyatt November 4, 2009 at 1:41 AM  

(thumb up) likes this ala fb hehe.
I like the way you interpret it; the way we should ponder upon it. Moga tsabat sarah; hingga ke syurga. syg fillah abadan abada